The zkID Card is an innovative digital identity tool that empowers organizations to issue and manage W3C-standard credentials while protecting individual data ownership and privacy. This platform not only streamlines the credential management process for businesses and institutions but also places the power of personal data back into the hands of individuals, ensuring they have full control over their information in a wide range of digital interactions.
To receive a zkID Card, you can simply navigate to your message center(🔔), select the messages, decrypt and recover, and you can find your new zkID Card in My Cards
Issuing a zkID Card is straightforward, simply visit Card Maker, from where you would need to simply connect your wallet and then create your own templates or use a template published by others to issue a card.
You can select any of the following types of templates to issue a card:
Once done selecting, simply click Issue on the template page to issue a card
To issue a card, you would need to fill out the data fields that are specified in the template.
And then enter the zkID of your intended claimer (recipient).The zkID can be found on the profile page of the zkID Card.