Each DID maps to a DID document. A DID document is necessary to capture and store information about a digital identity represented by a DID. It includes verification methods, such as cryptographic keys, to validate the authenticity of the identity. Additionally, it enables interactions and services associated with the identity in a decentralized and secure manner.

Attributes of a ZK DID Document

A ZK DID Document has several attributes. Let's take a look at them:

ZK DID adheres to the guidelines of W3C. If you have any questions regarding specific attributes, please refer to https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#did-document-properties.

There are also several optional attributes that a ZK DID Document can include:

DID Document Example

To help solidify your understanding, here are examples of an EVM Based ZK DID Document and a Non-EVM-based ZK DID Document:

EVM-Based' DID Document

  "@context": [ "<https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1>"],
  "id": "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1",
  "controller": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1" ],
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-0",
      "controller": "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1",
      "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "zgz4zgTUcbvduVZ1Jf3MNMeVeRYP2eiKDJnY7A6PCq3ew"
      "id": "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-1",
      "controller": "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1",
      "type": "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "zEi6rdNHidYZdHyvKYX9sdKka32o6Xq5kP1umoL3Hv1mL"
  "authentication": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-0" ],
  "assertionMethod": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-0" ],
  "keyAgreement": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-1" ],
  "capabilityInvocation": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-0" ],
  "capabilityDelegation": [ "did:zk:0x11f8b77F34FCF14B7095BF5228Ac0606324E82D1#key-0" ],
  "service": []

Non-EVM-Based DID Document